Tarantula Pumpkins Download
. Using orange wool, make a pompom ( the size doesn’t really matter as pumpkins come in all sizes). Using a double strand of green wool, tie tightly around the middle of the pompom to hold it together. Do not cut off the ends, as these can be tied at the top and used for hanging. Trim the ends of the pompom so that it looks neat and tidy. Out of the white felt, cut two triangles for the eyes. Also cut out a jagged mouth ( again it doesn’t matter how wonky they look, it only adds to the quirkiness of the character).
Out of the black felt, cut a small triangle for the nose and two round circles for the pupils. Position onto pompom and glue in place with PVA GlueMethod for Spider. Using black wool, make a pompom (Size is not really important, you can make spiders in a variety of sizes). Using a double strand of grey wool, tie tightly around the middle of the pompom. Do not cut off the ends as these can be knotted and used for hanging.
Smashing Pumpkins Rocket
Pumpkin Patch Tarantula For Sale
Cut eight equal lengths of grey wool, approximately 17 cms long (8 inches long). Split them into two sets of four lengths. Tie a knot at the top of each. Take a pompom and decide where you want the legs to be positioned.
Put a blob of glue on the knot of the leg and push it into the pompom to secure. Cut two circles for the eyes out of white felt. Cut two smaller black circles for the pupils. Cut a small triangle of white for the nose and a cut a smiley mouth out of white felt. Position the features onto the pompom and glue down with the PVAAuthor Posted on Categories, Tags, Post navigation.