How To Program Caddx Nx 8 Wiring

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I've got a fully functional nx-587e, apart from maybe the label on the pic which might have something different written on it which you can read on this pic, it's pretty much exactly the same. Why make such comments if its not helpfull.Snipboy, as you have previously mentioned, yours comes without the clips so you should have the correct unit. It's quite straight forward the setup, program your alarm panel to accept the virtual keypad, connect it to your alarm panel (you should have a red light flashing on the nx then) plug it in on your controller and install the driver. That's about it in a nutshell.Good luck.

  1. Nx8 Programming Cheat Sheet

Another question here. I know that with the serial cable it's not advised to run any longer than 50 ft, and 25 and under is optimal.


However, baud rates decrease rather than quality the longer the run. The NX-587e is set to send commands at 9600 rather than 19,600 which is where the signal is most degraded.So, I have a 15 ft RJ11 cable.

The HC-250 it's plugging into is only 10 feet away.Can I get away with 1) Using the length of the RJ11 to run to the NX-587e and not run into problemsand/or2) Run the serial cable, all 56ft (with the Control4 IR cable added in) since it is only going to connect at 9600 baud? Stuck at this step of being plugged in and the driver installed. All I am getting in the Navigator is a screen asking me to enter the security code, number pad and Home/Away/Cancel/Disarm buttons. I did a reconnect and also reset the alarm panel itself. Still stuck at this step. I was expecting to see the status of every single door/window/smoke detector sensor in the house.

What am I missing? Is this thread's contents what I am missing??couple of things:- if you press the arming buttons in navigator, does the system arm? If not, then the 587e is not enrolled with the panel.- if the 587e is not enrolled with the panel, see the 'Enrolling Modules and Keypads' section of this document to do so:- the link you have above will allow zone names to be shown (as they do on your other keypads) instead of just numbers- if you want to be able to program your C4 system to know about all of the zones and their state, you will need to add proxy devices in Composer Pro for each of the sensor types as described in your link above, then map them to the zone connections on the 587e device.

Be sure to set the number of zones for the 587e correctly before you start, as if you need to change the number of zones for C4 to know about, it will remove all existing zone connections and start from scratch- regarding the system code, yes, it's the system password. If your system is set to the original default code, it is identified in the above PDF file- oh and if, after you have enrolled the 587e as a keypad with the panel, you are not seeing the security panel status messages being displayed in navigator (or are not able to control the security panel from navigator), then the cable you have between the 587e and your home controller is not wired correctly (I had this problem with the cable I first used).

How To Program Caddx Nx 8 Wiring

Thanks, Brente. A little lost with how to enter into program mode and what to do right after that. The guide doesn't really say, this is all it says, I am not sure what my desired settings would be.Enrolling modules and keypadsThe NX-8V2 automatically finds and stores all keypads, zoneexpanders, wireless receivers, and other modules connectedto the data terminal into the NX-8V2 memory. This allows themodules to be supervised by the control panel.To enroll the modules, do the following:1. Enter program mode and program the desired settingsfor each module.2.

When you exit program mode, the NX-8V2 automaticallyenrolls the devices. The enrolling process takes about 12seconds, during which time the Service LED illuminates.If a speaker is attached to the NX-8V2, it clicks at thistime. If a siren or bell is attached to the NX-8V2, it soundsfor about one second. If the module is not detected, theService LED illuminates.Note: User codes are not accepted during the enrolling. Actually, you don't make any setting changes. Just enter program mode, then exit. When exiting, the panel will them poll all of the keypads and add any new ones that it finds.

If you were adding a physical keypad, you would need to specify the keypad address/etc, but the nx-587e has a fixed address and you can't change it (so no need to enter it).Follow the instructions under the 'Control panel programming' section in the nx8v2 guide. Go to a keypad on your system, Enter '.8' then enter your code, then when prompted for the module number, just press the Exit. The system will then poll all of the keypads. Initially, the keypad may display or report a system trouble and tell you to type '.2' for help - if this is displayed, just wait, as it takes a short time for all of the keypads to report back and the system to be configured.If your nx587e is wired to the C4 controller correctly, then if you go to Navigator, you should see that it displays the alarm status and the zone status for any zones that are open. You should also be able to query the alarm state (open zones), and arm/disarm the alarm. If it just shows numbers for the zones instead of the names, then you need to do what was in the other thread, which is.then, confirm that the keypad shows the zone names for the zones (e.g., open a zone and see if the name appears). Then, use the.92 command to enter into the custom message programming, enter your system code (same as you entered above), then press 1 (to select the first message - this is arbitrary), press # (to accept), press # (to back out), then press EXIT.

By pressing exit, all of the zone names as shown on the keypad you are using will be replicated to all of the other keypads, including the 587e.that should be it.the only other thing to be aware is the 'alarm clear' issue that I ran across and described in this thread - if the alarm clear command is not sent to the nx587e driver, when the alarm is triggered, it will never be reset to a cleared state and you won't be able to execute any C4 programmed based on an alarm condition (e.g., sending an email, etc.).

System ReadyType Code to ArmStep 2Enter 4 or 6 digit user code. (Optional; ifprogrammed.)If 'Auto Bypass' is enabled, all interiorzones will be bypassed if the user do not leave through a designated entry/exitdoor. If Auto Bypass is enabled, omit Step 3.When ' Auto Instant' is enabled, if you donot leave through a designated entry/exit door, the display will read 'Instant',indicating that the entry /exit doors no longer have an entry delay. If'Auto Instant' is enabled, omit Step 4.Step 3Press the key.The stay light will illuminate indicatingthat all interior zones are bypassed.

(All interior devices will bypassautomatically, giving the user freedom of movement within the interiorarea.)The bypass light will illuminate if any zone(s)are bypassed. If any zone(s) have been bypassed previously by the user,the light(s) corresponding to the bypassed zone(s) will illuminate, alertingthe user that a zone(s) may be unprotected and can be faulted without an alarm.Step 4To toggle from a 'delayed entry' mode to an'Instant' mode, presskey again.The instant light will illuminate indicatingthat the entry/exit doors have no entry delay. CANCEL/ABORTFEATUREThe cancel light will flash during an abort delaytimeIf a code is entered followed by thekey while this lightis flashing, all abortable reports will stop the communication process. NOTE:The abort feature must be enabled for this feature to be functional.This featureis for arming ONLYEntering a code followed by thekey during or after an alarm report to the central station willcause the cancel light to come onIt will stay on until the central stationhas received the cancel report. NOTE: The cancel feature must be enabled forthis feature to be functionalBYPASSINGZONESIf the user wishes to bypass one or more zones,this must be done while the system is in the disarmed stateNOTE: If the user knows the number of zones,use; use otherwise.Zone BypassProcedure 1Step 1Press thekeyStep 2Enter the user code, if required (optional).The bypass light flashes.Step 3Enter 1 or 2 digits indicating the zonethe user wishes to bypass. (Example: Press thekey for zone 1 or keys for zone 12.)Step 4Press thekey again.Step 5The corresponding zone light will illuminateindicating the zone has been bypassed.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any otherzone(s) that need to be bypassed.Step 6Press thekey again OR presskey to exit the Bypass Mode. The bypass light will stop flashing upon exitingthe Bypass Mode. Pressing the orkey will display the bypassed zones. Press thekey to exit this viewing mode.Zone BypassProcedure 2Step 1Press. The description for zone1 will be displayed.Step 2Use theor scroll keys to browse through thecustom descriptions for the zones in this system.Step 3To bypass or unbypass a specific zone,press the key while that zone is displayed.Step 4When finished, press thekey to return to the code entry system. Alarm Memory 1ZONE 1Step 3The ALARM MEMORY feature will flash thosezones that created alarms and will light steady those zones that were bypassedduring the last alarm.TESTFUNCTIONNoteIf programmed, thisfunction will perform a battery test, communicator test, and/or a siren testAlarms and reports will not be sent, unless a communicatortest is performed at which time a test signal will be sentStep 1Press.

The test will be performed as programmedStep 2If the siren test is performed, entera user code to silence the siren.RESETFUNCTIONNoteThis function isused to reset smoke detectors, zone troubles, and zone tampersThe systemmust be disarmed to use the Reset FunctionStep 1Press.System reset has now been performed.Step 2If the keypad begins beeping, the resetdid not execute properly. Enter code to silence to keypad. Wait a few minutesand repeat step 2 to attempt another reset.

Ge caddx nx 8

If the keypad still beeps afterrepeated attempts, contact a technician.READINGTHE EVENT LOGNoteThe NX-8 has a 185-eventlog that can be retrieved using a master code.This log contains a listingof the last 185 events along with date, time, and partition where the event occurred.Step 1To view the log, press.TheLCD screen will prompt the user for a code.Step 2Enter the master code. The LCD screenwill now show the most recent event.Step 3To view the events from most recent tothe oldest, press the scrollkey.Step 4To view the events from the oldest tothe newest, press the scrollkey.

Nx8 Programming Cheat Sheet

The display contains the following information. Step 1Enter: andthen the master codeStep 2Enter the 'hour code' which must be two(2) digits. Note: The clock is a 24-hour clock.Step 3Enter the 'minutes code' which must betwo (2) digitsExample: 7 minutes after would be entered asADJUSTING THE LCDVIEW/BRIGHTNESSStep 1Enter:.The LCD screen will prompt for a code.Step 2Enter the master code.