Ennio Morricone Vergogna Schifosi Rar

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MorriconeEnnio morricone gabriel

These long playing records are fine precision products. We have done our utmost to ensure that they reach you in perfect condition: compliance with the following suggestions will help to keep it so. HANDLING Handle with great care Avoid touching the playing surface Keep away from dust and heat Clean the record frequently by gently wiping with a soft cloth Replace the record in its container immediately after use Store in an even, moderate temperature PLAYING Records must be played only on equipment having: A turntable revolving at 33 1/3 rpm constant speed A light-weight pick-up with a stylus weight of not more than 10 grams A microgroove sapphire or diamond stylus.001 tip radius Sapphires should be examined for wear after approximately 100 playings. Avoid dropping the pick-up on the record or motor board. A worn or chipped stylus may damage your records permanently and will certainly impair the quality of the reproduction.

These STEREO records can be played on mono reproducers provided either a compatible or stereo cartridge wired for mono is fitted. Recent equipment may already be fitted with a suitable cartridge. If in doubt consult your dealer.


Ennio Morricone Soundtrack

To keep your records clean and dust free In-Flight Entertainment recommends the regular use of SUPER EMITEX. Deze stereo LP kan ook op een moderne mono platenspeler gedraaid worden. Ce disque peut etre utilitse avec un lecteur mono.

Diesse Schallplatte kann mit jedem modernen Leichtgewicht-Tonabnehmer abgesspielt werden.