Diff Between Jar War And Ear Files On Enterprise
. EJBs and client archives are packaged as.jar files. Web applications are packaged as.war files. Resource adapters are packaged as.rar files. Enterprise applications are packaged as.ear files, and can contain other Java EE modules such as EJBs, JDBC, JMS, Web Applications, and Resource Adapters. Web Services can be packaged either as.war files or as.jar files, depending on whether they are implemented using Java classes or EJBs. Typically, the.
War or.jar files are then packaged in an Enterprise Application.ear file. Java EE libraries are packaged either as an Enterprise Application (.ear file) or as a standard Java EE module. Client applications and optional packages are packaged as.jar files.
Jar War Ear Rar Files Understanding
An enterprise application can have multiple tiers. The witcher enhanced edition torrent mac app free. In JEE world, the tiers can be client, web, app and EIS.A Java enterprise application is deployed on containers. These containers are of two types:Web Container ex: Tomcat, JettyEJB container. Ex: WeblogicA web container hosts JSP/Servlet API which are more or less a request/response handling. The Web container cannot host EJBs which are based on EJB API. The EJB API provides transaction declaration, method level security etc.A web container has a web.xml in WEB-INF folder.
An EJB container has ejb-jar.xml under META-INF folder. These xmls are called descriptors. These descriptors define the structure of the application. A web-inf does it for a web application and an ejb-jar does it for bean implementation.A java application thus can be archived to be a -simple JAR file for local useA WAR file which can have jar files in it to be hosted on a web containerAn EAR file which can have both WAR and JAR inside it to and hosted on a JEE container which support EJB.