Daniel T Ferrara Pdf Download

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Contents.Career Sergio Ferrara was born on 2 May 1945 in Rome, Italy. He graduated from the in 1968 but he didn't earn a Master Degree nor a PhD as that was not present at the time in Italian high education system. Since then he has worked as a and INFN researcher at the; as a CNRS Visiting Scientist at the, Paris, and at the Theory Division at,.In 1980 he was nominated Full Professor of in Italy. He became a staff member of the Theory Division at in 1981. In 1985, he became a Professor of Physics at the. Since 1986 he has been a senior staff member of the Physics Department at CERN.

During the years 2010-2014 he has been a Guest Professor at CERN as Principal Investigator of the European Research Council Advanced Grant SUPERFIELDS. He is currently a senior staff member, emeritus, at CERN.Conformal Field Theory In 1971–1975, Sergio Ferrara did pioneering work on and the. In a series of papers written in collaboration with, and, he studied constraints imposed by on the operator dimensions, the form of the correlation functions, the, and the conformal partial wave expansion for the four-point correlation functions of the theory. This work, together with the similar work by, laid the foundations of.Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory In 1974, with, he formulated supersymmetric gauge theories, which opened the way to building supersymmetricextensions of the Standard Model of particle physics and exploring their consequences. This result wasobtained independently by and.Supergravity In 1976, Sergio Ferrara, and discovered at in.

It was initially proposed as a four-dimensional theory. The theory of supergravity generalizes Einstein's by incorporating the principles of.

In 2019 the three were awarded a special of $3 million for the discovery.Black-Hole Attractors In 1995,with and, he formulated the theory of Black Hole attractors, a dynamical mechanismwhich determines the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy for extremal Black-Holes in term of their charges.Awards., 1991, Paris.' For contributions to Conformal Field Theory and to the discovery of Supergravity'., 1993, Trieste. (with, and )'For their discovery of supergravity theory in 1976 and their major contributions in the subsequent developments of the theory. Their discovery led to an explosion of interest in quantum gravity and it transformed the subject, playing a significant role in very important developments in string theory as well as Kaluza-Klein theory'. in Physics, 2005, from the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'., 2006, American Physical Society. (with, and )'For constructing supergravity, the first supersymmetric extension of Einstein's theory of general relativity, and for their central role in its subsequent development.' ., 2005, Societa' Italiana di Fisica.

Daniel T Ferrara Pdf Download

(with and )'He honoured italian physics with his discoveries, substantially contributing to the discoveries leading to the development of modern gravity theories. For his contribution to the discovery of supergravity theory.' ., 2008, SIGRAV (Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitational Physics),'For his relevant contributions to supergravity models, their matter couplings and their implications for black hole physics, such as the attractor mechanism'. Avogadro Medal (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei,February 2008). Miller visiting professorship award (U.C.

Berkeley,Fall 2008). ERC Advanced Grant Award ”Superfields”, n.226455 (2008 call)., 2009.'

For services in Theoretical Physics.' .

(INAF and Italian Ministry of Culture, Spoleto, 2015). (Dubna, 2015). (EMFCSC,Erice, 2016) (with, and ). (2016). (with Daniel Z.Freedman and Peter van Nieuwenhuizen), 2019'For the invention of Supergravity, in which quantum variables are part of the description of the geometry of space time” References.

Zumino, Supergauge Invariant Yang-Mills Theories, Nucl.Phys.B79:413,1974. D.Z.

Van Nieuwenhuizen, S. Ferrara, Progress Toward a Theory of Supergravity, Phys. D 13:3214-3218,1976. Sergio Ferrara, Raoul Gatto, A.

Grillo, Conformal Algebra in Space-Time and Operator Product Expansion, Annals of Physics 76 (1973) 161. CERN Courier. January 2001. CERN Courier. CERN Bulletin. 6 July 2009.External links has a profile for.

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