Cardex Pro Display Driver
Video card information.Last updated: June 9, 2008 How to install display drivers for your video card Display DriversA display driver is software which allows other programs to access and use a.People often use the term 'display adapter' in situations where you arereferring either to a separateorbuilt into your motherboard. Installing the driver uses the same procedurewhether you have a video card or integrated graphics.You must have a display driver installed in order for your display adapter todo anything other than the most basic operations. Most operating systems havea default display driver with limited functionality which will work for mostdisplay adapters. In order to use the more advanced features like threedimensional graphics, a full display driver designed for that specificdisplay adapter must be installed.
From time to time, the manufacturers comeout with new display drivers which fix bugs and improve performance. It's agood idea to get the latest display drivers and install them. In most cases,you do not get your display drivers from the company which manufacturedthe display adapter. You get your display drivers from the manufacturer ofthe.Currently that's usually ATI or NVIDIA. The drivers are usually available onthe GPU manufacturer's web site.
If you just bought aand are installing its display drivers, it's usually best not to use the drivers whichcame on the driver CD. Those drivers are almost always out of date by thetime you get the video card.
You should download the latest drivers from theGPU manufacturer's web site.Laptop display drivers are a bit different than those used by desktops.Laptop display drivers are customized by the manufacturer of the laptop forthat specific model. You are supposed to get those display drivers only fromthe manufacturer of the laptop. The problem with those drivers is that theyoften are out of date. And the truth is that the laptop manufacturers usuallydon't actually customize the drivers. If you have an ATI or NVIDIA GPU inyour laptop,then you can try the.They don't always work but they are usually more recent drivers than the onesavailable from the laptop makers so they are worth a try.For older display adapters, the latest display drivers are not always thebest. Once the GPU maker moves on to the next generation GPU, they reduce theamount of time they put into the drivers for their previous generation GPUand put most of their effort into the new generation. Generations changeusually about once a year.
Unfortunately, they sometimes bring out driverswhich improve things for their newer GPU models but cause problems fortheir older ones. If you have an older card and have problems which are notfixed by the latest drivers, you can sometimes fix the problems by rollingback to older drivers.
Most of the GPU manufacturers maintain driver archiveswhich allow you to try out older drivers.Installing display drivers is usually fairly painless, but on occasion thingsgo wrong. Before starting the process of updating a display driver, it's agood idea to create a restore point as described. That way, if something goeswrong you can undo the changes you just made. You should always haveadministrator privileges before installing drivers (instructions).If you currently have display drivers installed, then you can determine whatkind of display adapter you have by looking in the 'Display Properties'window. Open the 'Control Panel' and double-click 'Display' to bring up the'Display Properties' window, and then select the 'Settings' tab.The 'Settings' tab displays the monitor and display adapter under 'Display:'.In this case, the display adapter is a Radeon 9700 Pro.If you have more than one display adapter installed in your computer, theneach will appear in the 'Display:' list. If your video card has multipleoutputs, then they will alsoappear in this list. In this case, entry number 1 is the primary output ofthe Radeon 9700 Pro and entry number 2 is the secondary output of the samevideo card.
You only have to install the display driver once for both of theoutputs to show up.If you don't have displaydrivers installed, then the 'Display Properties' window doesn't give you anyuseful information about your display adapter. In that case, you can run.Double-click the icon which provides information about your buses. In thiscase, it's the 'PCI(e), AGP, CardBus Bus(es) Information' icon which lookslike an expansion card.Then go to the top drop down box and select the slot which holds the displayadapter.
In this case, it's the AGP slot. Then, if necessary, go to the nextdrop down box below and select your video card. The device informationsection will give you information about that video card. This video card isan NVIDIA GeForce 2 GTS.If you have,then you really need to find thechipset name. Integrated video is actually implemented in the chipset. Youcan use to find yourchipset.
Just download CPU-Z,it, and then run it. Go to the'Mainboard' tab. The 'Chipset' field provides the name of the motherboardchipset. Note that this image shows a motherboard which does not haveintegrated video but these are the correct fields to check. In this case thechipset is an Intel i875P.Download And Install The Display DriversBefore installing your new display drivers, always remember to uninstall yourprevious display drivers. Checkfor uninstallationinstructions. Most display drivers currently come in the form of 'unifieddrivers'.
That means that there is a single program which contains thedrivers for a whole range of display adapters. Most unified driversautomatically recognize the display adapter and install the appropriatedrivers.
The display adapter must be in the computer when you install thedisplay drivers. Generally speaking, if you try to install the wrong displaydriver, it will give a 'hardware not present' error and abort theinstallation.
But there may be exceptions so be careful to install the rightone.If you are changing video cards, then first uninstall the old display driversbefore removing the old video card from the computer. Most display driverswill not uninstall properly unless the video card which uses those drivers isin the computer. Then open up the computer, remove the old video card, andinsert the new one. Reboot the computer and then install the new displaydrivers. It will often work if you don't do it this way but you're much lesslikely to have problems if you first uninstall your old drivers beforeinstalling new ones.
Checkfor detailed instructions on how to install a new video card.GPU MakerDriver Download And Installation InstructionsATIStart. In theleft column, click on your operating system. Then in the center column,click on your video card category. Most ATI video cards are Radeons.If you have one of those then click 'Radeon'.
If you havethen click 'Integrated/Motherboard'. Then in right column, click thespecific kind of display adapter. Then click the green buttonwhich says 'Go' at the lower right-hand corner of the three columns.That will take you to a page with your display driver.
For most kindsof hardware, the display driver is the 'Catalyst Software Suite'.Catalyst is the name of ATI's unified driver for their most commondisplay adapters.For some display adapters, the ATI driver page lists just the Catalystsuite. That suite contains everything you need rolled up into onepackage. In other cases it adds other choices like 'Display Driver'.That one is only the display driver without any of the control panelswhich are needed to configure the video card. It's best to update yourentire ATI setup including the control panels so download the Catalystsuite and execute it.IntelStart,select 'Graphics' in the menu on the left, then select 'Desktop graphicscontrollers', and then select your Intel display adapter.
If you havethen that's the name of your motherboard chipset. It you're not surewhich chipset you havethen use as describedabove to identify your chipset. Then select your operating system andclick the 'Go!' Download the latest 'graphics driver' and executeit.Intel also provides generic display drivers for their laptop chipsets.Generally, you're supposed to get laptop drivers from the manufacturer ofthe laptop, but if those are giving you trouble then you can try the onesprovided by Intel.
The procedure is the same as above but select'Laptop graphics controllers' instead of 'Desktop graphics controllers'.MatroxStartand then click the '+' in the 'Graphics Cards (Add-in boards)' sectionfor your kind of video card. If you have an older video card which isnot listed then click the 'View previous drivers and BIOS' linkin the upper right part of the page. That takes you to a page whichlists the various older drivers.
Select the correct one, download it,and execute it. If your card is new enough to be listed, then clickingthe '+' will open up a list of the individual models. Put a check inthe box to the left of your video card andclick the 'Next' button at the bottom of the page. Then put a check inthe box to the left of 'Latest display drivers'.
If you like to beextra careful then you can put a check in the 'Certified display drivers'box instead. The certified drivers are older but have passed Microsoft'stests. Click the 'Next' button.
Then put a check in the box for youroperating system and click 'Next' again. That takes you to a page withthe various drivers for your card. Click one and then you have to acceptan agreement before a link appears for your driver. Download it andexecute it.NVIDIAStart. Goto the 'Product Type' box and select the type of your video card.
That'salmost always 'GeForce'. Then go to the 'Product Series' box and selectthe series of your video card. The series is the first digit of thenumber of your video card. For example, if you have a GeForce 8800 GT ora GeForce 8400 GS then you select 'GeForce 8 series'.
If you have aGeForce 2 or 3 series video card then select the 4 series. That willtake you to drivers which support the 2 and 3 series.
Then go to the'Operating System' box and select yours. Then click the 'Search' button.That will lead you to the latest unified display driver.
Download it andexecute it.If you're looking for older drivers for Windows 2000 or XP then check. If you're looking for older drivers for Windows 95, 98, orME then check.S3S3 was bought by VIA but you can still download some S3 drivers from S3'sweb site.
Start.Then go to 'DOWNLOAD DRIVERS' section and click the appropriate link foryour display adapter. S3's names can be pretty confusing so you canrun if you're not sure which you have. If yourcomputer hasbuilt into thethen select 'Chrome IGPs'. If it's an oldvideo card then select 'Legacy discrete'. Most links take you to pages onS3's site. In most cases you just have to find the driver for youroperating system. In some cases it's a very long page and you must wadethrough to find the appropriate driver.
Some links lead to the VIA website. If so, then follow the directions shown below for VIA. Download thedriver for your display adapter and execute it.SiSStart. Select youroperating system. If you havebuilt into thethen select 'IGP graphics drivers'. If you have a video card then select'GPU graphics drivers'. Then select the SiS display adapter kind andclick 'Go'.If you're notsure what kind of SiS hardware you have, then go to.
Itcan identify what SiS hardware is in your computer but it only works withMicrosoft Internet Explorer.Download the driver,it, and execute it.VIAVIA bought S3 and if your display adapter is identified as 'VIA/S3', thenyou can download those drivers from VIA. Startandselect your operating system and then 'integrated graphics'. Then youhave to select the appropriate display driver from a confusing set ofnames. The easiest way to make the selection is to go by the name of themotherboard chipset you get from CPU-Z as described above.may also be helpful in selecting the correct one.
Download thedriver,it if necessary, and execute it.If your GPU manufacturer isn't listed above, then go to their web site andlook for a 'download' or 'driver' link. You can also try the company whichmanufactured the video card or made the motherboard if you have integratedgraphics.
If you don't get anywhere that way, then you can always try. They have a verylarge collection of drivers including some very old ones which cannot befound elsewhere.Installing Display Drivers With Multiple Video CardsIf you have two or more ATI or NVIDIA display adapters which use the samedriver (like two NVIDIA GeForces or two ATI Radeons), then you just installthe display driver once and it works for all compatible adapters. If you havemore than one kind of Matrox video card and you're running Windows 2000 orXP, then you should run theof the unified driver. The versionnumber of those drivers ends with 'SE'.If you have display adapters which use different drivers, then you have toinstall each kind of display driver separately. This 'more than one driver'case has been known to cause problems. My experience has been that it is bestto install the display driver for the primary display first and then rebootand get it set up the way you like it.
Then add the other display drivers oneat a time.I've had serious problems updating only one of the display drivers when Ihave both an NVIDIA card and an ATI card in the machine. The best solutionthat I've found is to first uninstall the display drivers for all cards, notjust for the one which needs updating. Then reboot and install displaydrivers for each of the cards as described above starting with the primarydisplay adapter.Power supply information.Useful technical information.Random stuff.Copyright © 2005 - 2008 by Mark Allen.
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Cardex Cards
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