Avatar Legends Of The Arena Database Folder Download
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Posted: apr 06, 2012 9:12 am. First of all, the fact that none of you seems to be able to make a full corect sentence,isvery annoying. You will al have to explain yourselfs better if you want others tounderstand what it is you're asking.And then second, the problem.The game we are talking about is avatar, legend of the arena, so not one of the gamesavailable in any stores.The problem comes in 2 varieties:1. Can't play in online mode (as in with other players)2. Can't play the game at all ( meaning that while loading a little screen pops up withthe words 'unable to acces database')For as far as i know, is problem number 1 caused by the shutdown of the server.Nickelodeon closed it and is not likely to open it again. However, all websites informingabout this also say that the offline-mode would still be available. (so you could still dothe training)For problem number 2, the one that's bugging me, i couldn't find any good explanation norsolution.
Stop saying that hitting space or enter will work, because it won't. Trust me, ijust spend a whole day trying.So if anyone knows a real solution, please please let us know.Thanx Posted: jul 03, 2012 9:32 am.
Avatar: legends of the arena no longer has a network at all. They've stopped supportingthe game completely. It used to be to where you couldn't battle online, but now the entiregame is gone. Once you get to the 'hit spacebar to start' screen, and then the screenwhere it loads, it will never load. It will say 'unable to access database. 'with a green check and a red ex.Either way, the game is no longer supported due to how old it is.
I use to enjoy playingit, too. Some have made patches to get past that, but only people that have downloaded thesame cheat to get past it will be available in the arena, or pvp. And so far, none of themwork anyways. Such a shame Posted: jul 27, 2012 11:50 pm.
Avatar Legends Of The Arena Database Folder Download Mac
Legends Of The Arena Avatar
Pressing the freaking space button and enter button dosen't work! Nick nolonger supports the game so they shut down the server! & the database ooBut if you do somehow find how to 'hack' into the database, then the design wheel willspin if.: it flashes green, then you got into the game because it was successful, if itflashes red then it's a epic fail.
OOr you could email nick and cuss them out for shutting down the fu. server and demandthat they power the game up for you xd anyways baii! Posted: oct 27, 2012 8:54 pm. The reason y'all can't play.
Is because the database folder is completely empty for thegame. Nickelodeon shut down the game completely, they took out everything and no longersupport it.
Pressing enter and space will not work. Trust me, i spent 2 hours trying toget into the dumba. game but failed every single time, it said unable to access database,try again? Just email nick with a technical concern and cuss them the f.k out for takingout the game! I always used to play the d.n game but now there is just no absolute way toget into it. Just think to yourself: i hope the nickelodeon company headquarters catchesf.king fire! Welcome Posted: may 23, 2013 1:03 pm.